Bach Flower Remedies

A Brief Introduction

Bach flower remedies are essentially distilled and diluted flower essences which were created by Dr Edward Bach who wanted to administer medicine in a more holistic way, believing that addressing the disharmony within mind and spirit was essential in healing.

There are 38 different remedies which Bach grouped into seven different character types. These are as follows with the remedies associated with each character.

Fear – Rock rose, Mimulus, Cherry plum, Aspen, Red Chestnut.

Uncertainty – Cerato, Scleranthus, Gentian, Gorse, Hornbeam, Wild Oat.

Disinterest – Clematis, Olive, Wild rose, Honeysuckle, Mustard, White Chestnut, Chestnut bud.

Loneliness – Water Violet, Impatiens, Heather.

Easily influenced – Agrimony, Centaury, Walnut, Holly.

Despondency/Despair – Larch, Pine, Elm, Sweet Chestnut, Willow, Oak, Crab Apple, Star of Bethlehem.

Overcaring – Chicory, Vervain, Vine,
Beech, Rock Water.

From the list you should be able to determine which Character you fall into.

Photo credit to Yoksel Zok – Unsplash
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